Exhibition of paintings by Ričardas Bartkevičius R. BART CODE
Vidas Poškus
In the 1980s, the phenomenon of “die Neuen Wilden” (the New Wilderness) emerged in the cultural landscape of Germany, and soon in other European countries. This was a post-modern trend in painting, a form of neo-expressionism. It was characterised by gesturalism, bright, screaming colours, allusions (usually critical) to one’s own nation and society, as well as even personal experience, and often large format works. Soon the “new savages” appeared in Lithuania.
Even today, Bartkevičius has been, is, and undoubtedly will be, one of the most consistent representatives of this approach. He fits the classical traits of this phenomenon. However, grading wildness according to its strength and intensity (in painting we would consider size, colour, speed of brush movement and colouristic depth and width), this artist can be considered the most civil, intelligent and polite among the “wild”. There are several reasons for this.
First of all, the painter, without throwing off a moralising grudge, always speaks about himself or herself, or through a personal filter. The social engagement typical of other colleagues is quite alien to Bartkevičius.
Secondly, he does not manipulate the (too) large formats of his paintings, choosing a human size that suits his individual needs. On the other hand, the intentions of Bartkevičius’ painterly “wildness” are hyper-human. They do not drag us downwards, towards regression, but encourage faith and hope for something better.
In short, and to summarise, the author’s paintings are optimistic and bright, imbued with purity, just like the white surfaces of the canvas that shine through between the brushstrokes.